Tuesday 16 July 2013


14th july,sunday
Second day of shift, someone proposed to his girlfriend cum fiancée in her favorite rilakkuma plushie suit at work. It's was pretty sweet and the hours passed quickly.. 
That day, I had also gotten a little too high on adrenaline with massive intake of sugar syrup in my ice latte

She makes me look huge here..

Fuck the world, I'm a Panda

15th July,Monday
Chinese lunch at taka,afterwards to work for a birthday event. Boring as hell because there weren't much stuffs to do.. However it's been a while since I ate fruitfare because its lychee everywhere.. So ..
Thank you Boss!  

Today, by the time i finished work it was already 12mn and didnt fell asleep after watch Tampopo till 4am and slept in till 1pm, but my body woke me up at 8am

So until now, I've just watched finished The Great Gatsby,Tampopo and going to watch A Single Man by Tom ford(yup, the designer) 

Lying on bed whole day watching movies with no regrets.

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